
 Threatened woodland butterfly, The Pearl-Bordered Fritillary, one of the UK's rarest  butterflies, has spread its wings again in the woodlands of East Sussex and Kent where it previously became extinct. A conservation project by the Forestry Commission, Butterfly Conservation and the RSPB is helping to secure the future of this woodland butterfly.
The Pearl-Bordered Fritillary butterfly, with white 'pearls' on the edge of its hindwing, has been seen in record numbers this year, following successful reintroductions by the Forestry Commission and the RSPB.

Like the three little pigs, a house martin’s mud hut is not all it’s cracked - up to be. But what some of the visiting birds raising their young in the UK this summer would love, are your empty ice cream or margarine tubs. The tubs make ideal homes for breeding house martins when theirs are damaged by the weather, says the RSPB.


Why are our bumblebees in decline?  

As early as 1959 it was suggested that some British bumblebee populations were in decline. Since 1985, Paul Williams, research entomologist at the National History Museum, has been working on a project to identify what makes some species more susceptible to decline.



A leading marine research charity is urging members of the public to help in its campaign to solve the mysteries of the UK’s dolphin population by taking photos of the fins of any they spot.
Sea Watch wants people to send in any photos of dolphins and whales that show details of nicks and markings.The pictures can then be compared to others held on national ID databases at the charity’s base in Wales, and with regional catalogues held by other organisations.

Q: What has no brains, no bones, no heart and no eyes?

A: A jellyfish ofcourse!

Reports of a massive jellyfish bloom around the Cornish Penninsula caused hysteria after reports in the national press in June this year. Some were mistakenly identified as lion’s mane jellyfish. 

Marine Conservation Societyis asking British seaside visitors to report sightings of these bizarre but fascinating creatures found in UK waters.

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