Keep Britain Buzzing

flippedbeeThe beginning of the end for bee-threatening pesticides?  Last week saw some fantastic developments in the campaign to save the bees. First was the great news that Homebase, B&Q and Wickes are removing two popular bug killers containing neonicotinoids from their shelves. Then, following vigorous campaigning by the Soil Association and other organisations, the EU announced the proposed suspension of three neonicotinoid pesticides, widely considered to be one of the main causes for the near catastrophic decline of bees and other pollinators in recent years.

These exciting steps forward in the fight to save the bee have only been made possible by you, our members and supporters, both through your direct actions and your generous support of our work. We want to say a huge thank you and we hope you will continue to support our campaign to save the bees as the battle has not been won yet.

 Email your MP to ask Owen Paterson to do the right thing in Europe

The EU proposals will only be passed if a majority of EU member states vote in favour on 25 February. France, Holland and many other states are supportive but the UK and Germany are reported to be reluctant.

We need your support. Please help us to persuade Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to vote in favour of the EU suspension by emailing your MP now.

 Find your MP's contact details here

Ask them to tell Owen Paterson to vote in favour of the suspension. MPs receive many messages, ensure yours stands out by making it unique. Alternatively you can use our statement:

Please help to save the bees. On 25 February 2013 the EU will decide whether to suspend the neonicotinoid pesticides clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam. These pesticides are damaging bee populations across Britain and Europe, as evidenced by the EFSA report and evidence given by the Soil Association to the Environmental Audit Committee. Please ask Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to stand with the majority of other EU member states and to vote in favour of a suspension.

Tell everyone on Facebook and Twitter to do the same:

Vote to save the bees please Owen! I've emailed my MP to ask Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to vote in favour of suspending neonicotinoid pesticides in Europe on 25 February 2013. Join me and the Soil Association to keep Britain buzzzing! 

 Help #KeepBritainBuzzing! I've asked Owen Paterson to #savethebees and suspend #neonicotinoids in Europe on 25 Feb. Join me!

These exciting developments come in the wake of our Keep Britain Buzzing campaign, so generously supported by many of you reading this email.

Want to know what else you can do to keep Britain buzzing? Take a look at our checklist below to find out:

Forward this email to your family and friends and ask them to take action too

Get up-to-the-minute bee news by following @SoilAssociation on Twitter

Donate to Keep Britain Buzzing and get a free packet of bee-friendly seeds and a campaign badge

Take practical action: take up beekeeping, use organic techniques in your garden and choose bee-friendly, organic produce when you shop, check out our website for more details.

Thanks again for all your support, together we are making real progress to keep Britain buzzing!


Source: Soil Association







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