It's that time of year again...

Whilst some of us are feeling a spring in our step, others are approaching the spring/summer seasons with dread. For 15 million people spring is the sneezing season.  Dr Prasanna, the Ayurvedic Physician at Ayush Wellness Spa, offers help in the ancient practice of Ayurveda, which recommends nurturing, natural measures in preventing and treating hay fever:
•             Eat light, freshly cooked and easily digestible food, avoiding excess dairy and wheat.
•             Eat fruit and vegetables like Indian gooseberries, oranges, radish, peppers and garlic.
•             Make herbal teas containing Ginger, Turmeric, Cumin seeds and Cinnamon and sip 5-6 cups all day long.
•             A glass of warm water with a piece of lemon and teaspoonful of honey is a useful drink.
•             Apply a thin barrier of almond oil, coconut oil or sesame oil.
•             Ayurvedic treatments like Nasya (nasal & sinus treatment), Shiroabhyanga (head massage) and hot stone therapy can be beneficial.
•             Ease symptoms by taking quarter teaspoonfuls of turmeric powder mixed with honey twice a day, along with plenty of warm water or herbal teas.
•             Breath easy by practicing Pranayama/ (breathing techniques) that enhances flow of prana/life force which will help to bring balance back.
•             Avoid frozen, cold, processed food and ice cold beverages including alcohol.
 Dr Prasanna says: “Ayurveda is an ancient science of life originated in India which focuses on the importance of living in tune with nature. At its simplest, ‘dosha’ is your individual bio-energy which needs to be maintained in balance for health”. Here, Dr Prasanna gives his top tips on how to survive the allergy season the natural way…
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